Let’s say that you have a big pile of junk that does nothing but take up space in your home. Removing it all by yourself is not only hazardous, but can take up a lot of your time. Instead, you decide to seek out the services of a professional junk removal company. In the process Read More
Remodeling Ideas For A Cleaned Out Attic
Removing the junk and unnecessary clutter from your home can provide it with a ton of new benefits. You may have seen one that we tend to echo a lot: the idea of having a clean slate when junk removal services are done! When you clean out an overly cluttered area like your attic and Read More
Side Effects Of Home Cluttering You Can’t See
The health of your home is paramount in more ways than you might think. The negative effects of a cluttered home are obvious: becoming breeding grounds for mold, mildew and pests are just some of the issues that can arise when you don’t tidy up. However, there are plenty of side effects that over-cluttering can Read More
The Do’s and Don’ts of Spring Cleaning
Now that we’ve left the coldness of the winter months behind us, there are a few things that you should be doing during the resulting spring! There’s a reason why the term “spring cleaning” is so widespread: it’s a common practice in many households! If you’re looking to tidy up the messes in your home Read More
When To Dispose of Old Office Furniture
Office furniture certainly has its ups and downs when it comes to their quality. There’s a pretty significant difference between office furniture that’s good for what it is, and furniture that you should get rid of. You might be asking: “How can you tell the difference?” There are a few signs that you should look Read More
Is Basement Cleaning Necessary?
Spring cleaning is not a new concept for homeowners. Using the warm weather and extra sunshine as motivation to give your home a deep clean is a great way to give your home a fresh start for the rest of the year. Before any spring cleaning begins, you should sit down and make a to-do Read More