Is Basement Cleaning Necessary?

Spring cleaning is not a new concept for homeowners. Using the warm weather and extra sunshine as motivation to give your home a deep clean is a great way to give your home a fresh start for the rest of the year. Before any spring cleaning begins, you should sit down and make a to-do Read More

Benefits Of An Attic Cleanout

Spring is here. That means you’ve probably stacked who knows what up in your attic. People have a misconception that things in the attic are stored and should sit there. Most items in your attic are useless, and if they are useful, there are plenty of better places to put them. Clearing out your attic Read More

Benefits Of Trash Removal

Something that tends to slip the minds of people as they carry on their busy days, weeks, months, and years; are the benefits from removing trash from your home/property. As we get caught up with life, we often don’t realize the waste, scrap, junk, and useful items that are piling up on our property. This Read More

How to dispose of old paint

When it comes to Junk Removal and Junk hauling we come across this question all the time. What is the proper way to dispose of old paint? This a great question and we have some ideas on how to do this. Here at Trash Bandits Junk Removal we strive to do right by the environment Read More